The basket in the foreground is a hanging strawberry plant (obviously not hanging!!!) that has surprisingly produced several yummy strawberries!
We babysat our granddog Ruuk last weekend (our grand children all have fur...two meow and this one barks). Ya think he wasn't itching to take a dip in the pool and catch a koi or two?
Have a quick peek at the lovely impatiens in the background, nicely nestled in the crevices, cascading beautifully over the rocks....until Ruuk decided to take a wander over yonder! They are mere sticks now. No...the lawn chair wasn't enough to block his path (what was I thinking???) However, sometimes a good pinch-back produces more blooms...except we will likely have snow before that happens!
We are having a wonderful visit with our daughter! It is so nice to have her home. She is off visiting a friend right now, so I have taken a few minutes to sneak to my blog and finally post something.
Who time it might actually be a card!!!