"Purple is the color of National Domestic Violence Awareness month.
1 in 3 women will experience domestic violence over the course of their lifetimes.
Let that sink in - 33% of all the women you meet.
And women aren't the only people who are affected! Women, men, transgender - gender doesn't matter. Domestic violence is something that exists regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, religion, education level, etc.
And yet, it's something that is rarely talked about in very public ways. It's something that's hidden and hushed. And since papercrafters are some of the most amazing people out there, some of you have agreed to make a card (or cards) to raise awareness for this issue." - Becca Crugar
Please pay a visit to one of blogland`s most charismatic and talented ladies...the incredible Becca Crugar. You can find all the details about the hop at Becca's blog.
Card details: A delightful diecut (colored with Copics & winked with Stella) and some luxurious textured cardstock from my dear sweet friend across the ocean, Miss Anita from My Papercraft World.